Friday, February 4, 2011

Lemon-Scented Macaroons, p.196

There is something not quite right about these macaroons.  Maybe it was me, but I followed the directions and well, hmm...  not sure what happened.  They weren't bad to eat, just different.  Kind of like a cookie meets peanut brittle-ish sort of treat.  It said it'd make 16 at 2 pp per macaroon.  I ended up with about about 22.  Well, until half the pan grew together for one ginormous macaroon, a ginormaroon, if you will.

The 4 ingredients:

The Final Dish:

I had to sift through the cookies to get enough to take a decent picture.   Yes, I know these don't look like any of the pictures of macaroons if you google it.  So stop laughing at them!  They're sensitive.  My husband and 5 yr old already taunted them saying "What's THAT?!" and "It doesn't look like a cookie!"  Although they did taste them and didn't run off screaming and spitting them out either, so maybe they weren't all bad.  I'm thinking not, judging by the FOUR I ate.  For sampling purposes, of course.

I probably won't make these macaroons again unless I want to prove to myself that it's not me, it's the cookie. 

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